(->PushState exec code integer float boolean char string zip vector_integer vector_float vector_boolean vector_string input output auxiliary tag return environment genome)
Positional factory function for class clojush.pushstate.PushState.
(end-environment state)
Ends the current environment by popping the :environment stack and replacing all stacks with those on the environment stack. Then, everything on the old :return stack is pushed onto the :exec stack.
(map->PushState m__6522__auto__)
Factory function for class clojush.pushstate.PushState, taking a map of keywords to field values.
(pop-item type state)
Returns a copy of the state with the specified stack popped. This is a utility, not for use as an instruction in Push programs.
(push-item value type state)
Returns a copy of the state with the value pushed on the named stack. This is a utility, not for use in Push programs.
(push-state-from-stacks & {:as stack-assignments})
Takes a map of stack names and entire stack states, and returns a new push-state with those stacks set.
(register-instruction name)
Add the provided name to the global list of registered instructions.
(registered-for-stacks types-list)
Takes a list of stacks and returns all instructions that have all of their stack requirements fulfilled. This won’t include random instructions unless :random is in the types list. This won’t include parenthesis-altering instructions unless :parentheses is in the types list.
(registered-for-type type & {:keys [include-randoms], :or {include-randoms true}})
Returns a list of all registered instructions with the given type name as a prefix.
Returns a list of all registered instructions aside from random instructions.
(stack-assoc value type position state)
Puts value at position on type stack in state. This is a utility, not for use as an instruction in Push programs. NOT SAFE for invalid positions.
(stack-ref type position state)
Returns the indicated item of the type stack in state. Returns :no-stack-item if called on an empty stack. This is a utility, not for use as an instruction in Push programs. NOT SAFE for invalid positions.
(top-item type state)
Returns the top item of the type stack in state. Returns :no-stack-item if called on an empty stack. This is a utility, not for use as an instruction in Push programs.