Adding Genetic Operators

In addition to the already-included genetic operators, you can add your own!

Variation Genetic Operators

  1. Go to propeller.variation.cljc
  2. Define a genetic operator function
  3. In propeller.variation/new-individual, add the new genetic operator in the new-individual function under the case call
  4. (defn new-individual
      "Returns a new individual produced by selection and variation of
      individuals in the population."
      [pop argmap]
         (case op
           (-> (:plushy (selection/select-parent pop argmap))
               (new-genetic-operator ))
           (throw #?(:clj  (Exception. (str "No match in new-individual for " op))
                     :cljs (js/Error
                             (str "No match in new-individual for " op))))))})
  5. When running a problem, specify the genetic operator in :variation. For example:
lein run -m propeller.problems.simple-regression :variation "{:new-genetic-operator 1.0}"

Selection Genetic Operators

  1. Go to propeller.selection.cljc
  2. Define a genetic operator function
  3. In propeller.selection.cljc, add the new genetic operator in the select-parent function under the case call.
  4. (defn select-parent
      "Selects a parent from the population using the specified method."
      [pop argmap]
      (case (:parent-selection argmap)
        :new-genetic-operator (:new-genetic-operator )
  5. When running a problem, specify the selection method in :parent-selection

For example:

lein run -m propeller.problems.simple-regression :parent-selection :new-genetic-operator