Polymorphic Instructions (for all stacks, with the exception of non-data ones like input and output)
Pushes a copy of an indexed item from deep in the stack, without removing it. The top INTEGER is used to determine the index from the BOTTOM of the stack.
Duplicates the top item of the stack. Does not pop its argument (since that would negate the effect of the duplication)
Duplicates the top n items on the stack, one time each. The number n is determined by the top INTEGER. If n <= 0, no items will be duplicated. If fewer than n items are on the stack, the entire stack will be duplicated. The final number of items on the stack is limited to globals/max-stack-items.
Duplicates n copies of the top item (i.e leaves n copies there). Does not pop its argument (since that would negate the effect of the duplication). The number n is determined by the top INTEGER. For n = 0, equivalent to POP. For n = 1, equivalent to NOOP. For n = 2, equivalent to DUP. Negative values of n are treated as 0. The final number of items on the stack is limited to globals/max-stack-items.
Pushes TRUE onto the BOOLEAN stack if the stack is empty. Otherwise FALSE
Pushes TRUE onto the BOOLEAN stack if the top two items are equal. Otherwise FALSE
Empties the given stack
Pops the given stack
Rotates the top three items on the stack (i.e. pulls the third item out and pushes it on top). Equivalent to (yank state stack-type 2)
Inserts the top item deeper into the stack, using the top INTEGER to determine how deep
Pushes the given stack’s depth onto the INTEGER stack
Swaps the top two items on the stack
Pushes an indexed item from deep in the stack, removing it. The top INTEGER is used to determine how deep to yank from
Pushes a copy of an indexed item from deep in the stack, without removing it. The top INTEGER is used to determine how deep to yankdup from